East Pass Ave & Chandler Blvd
East Pass Ave & Chandler was planted in March 2021. Additional plants were added in November 2022.
This site is in part shade.
Plants you may see include:
Salvia 'Allen Chickering'
Baccharis pilularis 'Pigeon Point'
Achillea millefolium
Mimulus 'Jelly Bean Dark Pink and Lemon'
Penstemon heterophyllus 'Margarita BOP'
Clarkia amoena (Farewell-to-Spring)
Clarkia unguiculata (Elegant Clarkia)
Collinsia heterophylla (Chinese Houses)
Nemophila maculata (Five Spot)
Nemophila menziesii (Baby Blue Eyes)
Some plants from the 2021 planting that did not survive include:
Eriogonum fasciculatum
Zauschneria c 'Calistoga' (Epilobium)
Asclepias fascicularis
Non-native tree on site:
Tipuana tipu
Maple Street & Chandler Blvd - west side of rosemary hedge
This site was seeded in March 2022 and planted in May 2022.
This site is in full sun.
Plants you may see include:
​Abutilon palmeri
Symphyotrichum (Aster) chilense 'Purple Haze'
Monardella villosa ssp. villosa 'Russian River'
Peritoma (Isomeris) arborea
Sporobolus wrightii
Salvia apiana
Mimulus 'Jelly Bean Orange'
Wildflowers include:
Baileya multiradiata
Eschscholzia californica
Lupinus succulentus
Phacelia tanacetifolia
Some plants from the May 2022 planting that did not survive include:
Salvia 'Allen Chickering'
Eriophyllum confertiflorum var. confertiflorum
Non-native tree on site:
Stenocarpus sinuatus
SE Pass Ave & Chandler Blvd
The site at SE Pass Ave and Chandler Blvd was planted in February 2023.
This site is in full sun.
Plants you may see include:
Artemesia californica 'Canyon Gray'
Ceanothus maritimus 'Point Sierra'
Mimulus 'Jelly Bean Gold and Orange'
Eriogonum grande rubescens
Salvia mellifera
West Pass Ave & Chandler Blvd
West Pass Ave & Chandler was planted in April 2021 and after significant plant loss, the site was replanted in November 2022.
This site is in part shade.
Plants you may see include:
Mimulus 'Jelly Bean Lemon, Dark Pink, and Orange'
Ceanothus griseus v. horiz. 'Yankee Point'
Ceanothus gloriosus 'Anchor Bay'
Arctostaphylos u. 'Radiant'
Arctostaphylos edmundsii 'Carmel Sur'
Baccharis pilularis 'Pigeon Point'
Iris 'Pacific Coast Hybrids'
Eriogonum fasciculatum 'Bruce Dickenson'
Achillea millefolium (replanted)
Eschscholzia californica
Some plants from the 2021 planting that did not survive include:
Verbena lilacina 'De la Mina'
Galvezia speciosa 'Firecracker' (Gambelia)
Calliandra californica
Salvia "Pozo Blue"
Achillea millefolium
Non-native tree on site:
Tipuana tipu
Maple Street & Chandler Blvd - east side of rosemary hedge
This site at Maple Street and Chandler Blvd was planted in December 2022 and is in full sun. Asclepias fascicularis seedlings were added in April 2023.
This site is in full sun.
Plants you may see include:
Ceanothus griseus v. horiz. 'Yankee Point'
Ceanothus gloriosus 'Anchor Bay'
Arctostaphylos u. 'Radiant'
Asclepias fascicularis
Sambucus mexicana
Non-native tree on site:
​Geijera parviflora
SW Pass Ave & Chandler Blvd
The site at SW Pass Ave and Chandler Blvd was planted in February 2023.
This site is in full sun.
Plants you may see include:
Artemesia californica 'Canyon Gray'
Ceanothus maritimus 'Point Sierra'
Mimulus 'Jelly Bean Gold and Orange'
Eriogonum grande rubescens
Salvia Mellifera
Non-native tree on site:
​Geijera parviflora