Planting for Pollinators | Addressing the Very Real and Hidden Risks of Systemic Pesticide Contamination
Wed, Mar 16
Are your pollinator-friendly plants pesticide-free?

Time & Location
Mar 16, 2022, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM PDT
About the event
Join us for a timely conversation with Dr. Susan Kegley, Pesticide Toxicologist and Organic Farmer, Aimee Code and Sharon Selvaggio of Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation, and Terry Oxford, Pollinator Activist and Podcaster. Learn about Xerces recent tests of many California Pollinator Pathways, Corridors and Butterfly gardens, fully 100% found to be toxic to pollinators. We'll discuss what questions to ask your local nursery, your landscape professional and big box stores. Know what your schools, parks department and maintenance gardeners need to know in order to source safe and clean plant stock. Hear of Terry and Susan's inspiring work in the Bay Area for toxin-free & diverse planting strategies that are safe and healthy for all wildlife. And learn from Kreigh and Ashley’s work in Burbank, California to create healthy food and home for butterflies and other wildlife.